“Freedom” seems to be quite the buzzword lately. Freedom of speech, Educational freedom, Religious freedom… but what do you know about Food Freedom?
In my last blog post about Why We Love Independence Day, I mentioned some similarities between Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm and what we’re seeing going on in the world today.
In a nutshell, and to no one’s surprise, our freedoms are being attacked.
Food Freedom is something I am very passionate about, so buckle up.
As a Farmer and Business owner, I am seeing first-hand more and more red tape around selling food. We have had to jump through some pretty ridiculous hoops and sign on dozens of dotted lines to legally sell and ship our grass-fed meat.
Farmer’s markets are banning the sell of fresh farm eggs.

In many States, it’s illegal to sell raw cow milk.
However, no one will interfere if you’re privately giving it away, but as soon as there is money exchanged you no longer have the freedom to use your best judgment or choose for yourself. When did we stop taking accountability for the food we eat and let the government step in and “help”? Regulations are inconsistent from state to state, even county to county. There is no rhyme or reason to the red tape except that money is involved.
Since you’re reading this, it’s probably safe to say you understand the benefits of responsible farming and consuming quality meat. How has it become that you can get a “burger” for $1 at Mcdonald’s and yet top-quality grass-fed, antibiotic-free ground beef will cost at least $10 per pound?
It’s a money game to stay healthy. Please invest in your health while you’re healthy. You can pay the price for quality, nutrient-dense food and receive the health benefits now… or you can complain about the price of healthy food, buy less-nutritious food, and pay the healthcare system later when your body is riddled with disease and inflammation and you will be at their mercy. That may sound a little dramatic – but that’s the reality. Being unhealthy is a prison, it’s the opposite of freedom. I know because I’ve been there.
Historically, tyranny is always connected to food and education. People are easy to control when they are uneducated, hungry, or sick.

I strongly believe in education and informed consent. When information is withheld (like not labeling lab-grown meat), we cannot make informed decisions, and we become pawns in a game we never meant to sign up for. Do your due diligence to be as informed as possible.
The government is NOT accountable for your choices. If you get sick from choosing something they recommend, they will not take responsibility for it. You will be left to navigate the consequences on your own time and your own dime.
In today’s fast-paced, instant gratification-centered world, 1984Farms is doing things unconventionally, but this used to be the norm. Raising and gathering your own food, being informed and being accountable are actually traditional values that benefit individuals and society. These are values our great country was founded on!
We need to take our freedoms back! At 1984Farms, we are passionate about empowering you and your family to take ownership of your food, your health, and your education. We have paved one way as a reliable food source, and we have given you the information you need to make informed decisions.

If you aren’t raising or growing your own food, go to the places, farms, and people that align with your values – buy from them!
If you need help finding the quality meat, produce, dairy or resources that you’re looking for please reach out to me! I’d be more than happy to help. You don’t have to figure this out on your own.
You’re a part of our community, and your questions are very welcome!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on Food Freedom. Leave a comment or send me a message!