Have you ever considered trying an animal-based diet? Well, I recently jumped on board for a 30-day eating challenge and I am on day 28. Let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey so far.

As someone who has experienced health challenges in the past, I have always been curious about alternative ways of eating. For 18 years, I was plant-based and dairy-free. I even had a large green smoothie every day for breakfast for 15 years.
But, 6 years ago, I ended up in the hospital with my intestines shutting down due to imbalanced electrolytes caused by food poisoning. It was at that moment that I realized that my plant-based diet had left my body without any nutritional reserves to support itself and my 5 kids.
That’s why I decided to put meat back into my diet. It was a game-changer for me, as it restored vitality that I had not experienced since childhood.
Since then, I have been learning a lot about oxalates, pant-neuro toxins, anti-nutrients, fiber myths, fat lies, and the hard truth about what humans’ traditional nutrient-dense diets were like compared to what we have been taught. I have unlearned a LOT of things!

Now, after experimenting and relearning for a couple of years, I am ready to dive into a new way of eating. An animal-based diet consists of Meat, Organs, Animal Fats, Raw Dairy, Honey/Maple Syrup, and Fruit (sweet and unsweet). It’s pretty simple and based on the premise of prioritizing the most nutrient-dense, bioavailable food – animal products – and having a little bit of the less nutrient-rich foods (fruits) and staying away from the most toxic plant foods (vegetables.)
I joined the challenge and have been consuming about a pound of our pasture-finished beef a day, lots of butter, raw milk, an apple, salt, and some maple syrup. The purpose of this challenge is to help me lower the amount of oxalate toxicity I developed after consuming 4 cups of spinach, almond milk, berries, and turmeric every day. Along with addressing digestive issues that have angered me over the years.
Where I am now – my brain is functioning better than it has in the last 6 years, I have sustainable energy ALL DAY (no afternoon crash), my ears are cleaner, my throat doesn’t swell, and my teeth feel much stronger. I have shown improvements in my digestion and everyone keeps complimenting me on my glowing skin and vibrant energy.

28 days isn’t very long in the scheme of things. I know that healing and reversal take time, but when your body is getting the nutrients it can actually use (heme iron!) it is amazing what it can do!
When my 30 days are done, I am not stopping. This is a life haul for me that will have some adjustments I am sure, but prioritizing animal foods over plant foods is not going to change. I feel too good for that!
If you want to learn more about this challenge, check out heartandsoilsupplements.com or carnivoremd.com. I am not affiliated with them or get any kickbacks (although I might check into it!) I am really passionate about this and feel everyone deserves information to challenge the “social norm” and make good decisions based on all the facts!